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Crestwood Hills Renovation

Los Angeles, California. Completed in 2015.

This home was built in 1951 by Paul R. Williams in the midcentury neighborhood of Crestwood Hills, located in the Santa Monica Mountains. At 1,850 square feet, it was snug for a family of four and because the house is architecturally protected, we couldn't add on any square footage. So every room was considered and reorganized using extensive built-ins designed to maximize storage and be multifunctional.

In the kitchen, a bar was added that matched the 50’s era Fir-core plywood and ash cabinets. Special care as taken to grain- and color-match the woods, and a stool folds down so kids can work at the counter. The tiny home office was lined with bookshelves, cabinets, file drawers, cubbies, and a drop-down table. In the living room, a corner banquette provides views of the surrounding trees, and stores books, toys, and a media center. A combination of ash that matches the existing wall paneling, slatted wood to match the dropped ceiling, and a custom designed Richlite fold-up lid for the record player wrap are tucked into what was an unused corner.

The childrens’ bedrooms are typical of the time, and small by contemporary standards. In one room a bunkbed was designed that has deep storage below and a bookshelves that act as a screen at the foot of the beds. In the other room a window seat and cabinets house bookshelves, a toy box, a cork board, and a drop-down table with storage behind. In both kid’s rooms care was taken to not permanently attach anything to the existing wood wall paneling and to make the new additions customizable, so the inhabitants can participate in designing their environments.

Outside, a new cooking area made of redwood has cabinets for gardening equipment and a bench with toy storage below. A new fountain provides focus for this area and creates an outdoor living room.

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